Is 'Best Butt' Discount Flattering or Offensive? (PHOTO)

How would you feel if you were given a receipt that says "Best Butt" and "Best Looking?"

That's what happened to one lady in Texas.

According to reports, one female patron was recently awarded with a whopping two-cent discount for being "best looking" and having the "best butt."

According to, "She actually laughed about it, she was rather flattered," says Redditor caraficionado24 of the reciept's recipient, who adds, "being attractive has its benefits, it seems haha."

An employee from the Texas-based restaurant named Twister Root Burger Company, said that the restaurant chain, known for its "jokey service schtick," has "these random discounts we can give out for fun," according to

It may be all fun and games, but could it be offensive?

Inquisitr pointed out, "Although the compliment is sure to put a smile on the face of some customers, others may take issue with the fact that their waiter or waitress has been eyeballing parts of their anatomy. Individual reactions will surely vary."

The restaurant put it on their Facebook page after it started gaining some attention.

The post said, "It looks like one of our cashiers got game."

One FB commenter said, "That's funny...but also a little creepy."

Another said on a serious note, "Hopefully that lady is cool and doesn't press charges."

What do you think Books & Reviewer's? How would you feel about being crowned "best butt" or "best looking" with a two-cent discount at a restaurant? Sound off below! 

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