Reading can be an addiction and there are lots of ways to know if books have become your obsession. Spending hours checking out titles and sometimes smelling the pages is just one. Another is your adamant stance to put reading first before social activities. Being member of multiple book clubs too.
But love for books could be far more outrageous than that and those who want to know if they have grown a bit too attached to the leaves and covers of these bonded wonders, here are the five things that will confirm that.
1. You open a book every chance you get (emphasis on every)
According to Pop Sugar, reading has become an addiction if you love long flights and you can't wait for a weekend of unadulterated reading bonanza. You get thrilled with the fact that the title you always planned to wolf down has over 1000 pages.
You always tell yourself to sleep after one chapter and before you know it, it's already 3 am. When at work, you opt out eating with workmates just so you can squeeze into some more reading time.
2. You think of reading even while doing something else
You always catch yourself saying, "I'd rather be reading." Being late to work is okay so long as you finish a thrilling page-turner you started. Even though you are on a loud, crazy party, you find a way to open a book, which, of course, you carry around everywhere you go.
In a month, you'd realize you read far more books compared to the movies you watched (or snoozed through).
3. Your shelf is arranged in a special way you only understand
According to Bustle, one way of knowing you are a pretty solid bookworm is that you developed a special system in arranging the books in your shelf. You know where a certain book is tucked in and if one isn't in the right spot, you freak out.
4. This is your second favorite thing to do
On the subject of bookshelves, a definitive indication that books have taken over your life is when the second thing you love doing next to reading is organizing your bookshelf.
5. Your life, the decisions you make and everything in between all latch on a book or two
As per Buzzfeed, it is a given that your frustration, solace and happiness often come from how bad or good the book you're reading (not to mention the depression of having finished an insanely good book).
But almost always, you also find a way to relate every single event in your life, even the simplest things, to a scene, a quote or a character in a certain book. You even make some choices with the help of the stories you have read.
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