Marco Rubio Says He Understands the Plight of Undocumented Immigrants

Marco Rubio, the junior Republican Senator from Florida, published his memoir "An American Son" last week. The book has received more fanfare than your average memoir by a newbie politician partly because it was believed that Mitt Romney was considering Rubio as a running mate. However, it appears that Rubio, although a popular choice, is not being vetted as a vice presidential candidate for Mitt Romney.

Yet, Rubio's book continues to generate buzz because of the topics discussed in his book including the current and controversial issue of undocumented immigration.  

In addition to detailing his past partying ways, Rubio also writes about his views on undocumented immigration.  He writes that he understands why parents would take the risky gamble of coming to the US, illegally.  "Many people who came here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn't feed our families," he writes in An American Son, which was released Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."

But according to Rubio's comments, he is not happy with the Democratic position on immigration including President Obama's recent executive order that allows undocumented students the chance to live and work in the US, legally, which he says is too broad-sweeping. 

But he also says he is not happy with the Republican position either.  He writes that he gets, "the frustration people have when they feel their country is being overwhelmed by illegal immigration." But he also gets angry when he hears people saying that immigrants are destroying our country. "I begin to wonder if some of the people who speak so disparagingly about immigrants would be just as worked up if most of them were coming from Canada."

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