"Watchmen" star Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the newest cast member of CBS drama hit, "The Good Wife," Deadline reports. The actor is now on the team as a series regular, playing the role of "a calm, experienced hourly investigator" named Alex, who will be part of Alicia's team come season 7.
"We've loved and admired Jeffrey Dean Morgan for years, and we were thrilled to hear that Julianna [Margulies] did too, so it was a no-brainer to ask him to join our troupe," "The Good Wife" creators and executive producers, Robert and Michelle King, said in a CBS press release quoted by Deadline.
UPI notes that Morgan's character will be the new Kalinda. As fans of the drama will recall, Archie Panjabi, who starred as the mysterious investigator, left the show. He will also, in a way, fill the void left by Matthew Goode (Finn Polmar), who won't return as a series regular after a year of being one.
As per Us Weekly, Panjabi left "The Good Wife" after being a series regular for six straight seasons because of some sort of conflict on the set. While this wasn't confirmed, the news that the final scene shared by Kalinda and Alicia was filmed separately gave it weight.
According to TV Line, Morgan's character may not only be someone Alicia hires. The site suggested that "The Good Wife" season 7 will have Alex as a new love interest for the former state attorney. With a romance with Finn deemed impossible and Alicia and Peter still at odds, it might just work.
Morgan is also a series regular in "Extant," which just premiered its second season. As Books N Review previously reported, the actor is poised to be the leading man to Halle Berry's character, Molly. He was also part of other big shows like "Magic City," "Weeds," "Grey's Anatomy" and "Supernatural."
Meanwhile, E! Online also mentions that Cush Jumbo, who landed a recurring role in "The Good Wife" season 7, will help Morgan power up the cast after two significant departures although her role is still unknown. Unfortunately, these cast additions also meant for a series regular's demotion.
In a separate report, TV Line confirmed that Makenzie Vega, who portrays the role of Alicia's daughter in the series, isn't part of the main cast anymore. While the actress won't leave the show, expect less presence of her character Grace in "The Good Wife" season 7.
"The Good Wife" season 7 will premiere on October 4.
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