The hilarious Tina Fey, the actress-comedian in "Saturday Night Live" and "30 Rock," just won another accolade. This time her big win wasn't an Emmy, a Golden Globe or a SAG but rather an Audie Award for best narration of the audio version of her bestselling book "Bossypants."
"Bossypants," a biography/memoir published in April 2011 is Fey's account of her life told with her trademark humor. For example, she writes of a recurring dream where she is being chased by her junior high school gym teacher and bizarrely that actually ends up happening to her in real life. Then there is the part when she hysterically berates a mean-spirited comment about her on some website where she was called an "ugly, pear-shaped, bitchy, overrated troll." In response, Fey goes off on the unnamed assailant and ends her comical tirade with "It would take a hubble telescope to locate your tiny genitals. Affectionately, Tina"
So if you haven't heard Fey read her memoir, imagine her delivering these lines in her straight shooting, deadpan style. In other words, her win for Audio Book of the Year is hardly surprising. Other winners from the awards ceremony that took place last night included Jane Fonda and William Shatner. Fonda won for her book "Prime Time" and Shatner was recognized for "Shatner's Rules." For literary fiction, the narrator of Ann Patchett's "State of Wonder" was the winner.
The Audie Awards are annual awards that recognize talent in 25 categories of audio book publishing.
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