Book Deal for Twitter Founder Biz Stone

Biz Stone's new book on how he came to start Twitter will be more than 140 characters.  The book, which will be published by Grand Central Publishing in April 2014, will not just be about Twitter but Stone will explore creativity in general and his own creative process, specifically.  In the book, he will share the principles he has used to become a serial and successful entrepreneur.

The book with the apropos title "Things a Little Bird Told Me" will be the third book for 38-year-old Stone. His other books include "Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content" and "Who Let the Blogs Out?" 

Stone is the co-founder of Twitter with Evan Williams and he also helped to launch Xanga, Blogger, Odeo and more recently he started  "The Obvious Corporation," to focus on creating systems that help people work together to improve the world.  

In addition to his many recent accolades, readers may be curious to know that Stone is a dropout of two universities. Unlike the other famous billionaire dropouts, Stone did not study computer science as Harvard or Stanford. Rather, he studied writing at the Northeastern University and the arts at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. He lasted just a year at each institution and then went on to work as a designer before entering the digital entrepreneur game.  That fact in and of itself might be inspiring to readers.

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