The fifth installment of the Terminator sci-fi series has hit the theaters. However, the "Terminator: Genisys" is picking up negative reviews and unsatisfied fans because of the marketing strategies that ruined the film.
"Terminator: Genisys" is set in 2029, in the middle of a war against machines. John Connor sends Kyle Reese to go back in time to save his mother, Sarah Connor, to save his existence
When Reese finds the past to be nothing but unexpected. To fans, who have seen the trailer, the twist is not entirely unexpected.
The cast includes returning "Terminator" actor Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator, "Game of Thrones" actress Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, "Brotherhood's" Jason Clarke as John Connor and Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese.
Fans are unhappy about the trailer. Many of them expected to be surprised by a bigger twist, only to find that the big reveal was made in the trailer.
"Yeah, it's funny; I certainly directed those scenes with the intention that no one would know," director Alan Taylor told in an interview with Uproxx when asked about the spoiler in the trailer.
He further shares, "One of my favorite moments - and I think Jason Clarke did a great job with it - is when he walks into the hospital in 2017 and everything from there until the turn, you're supposed to think, 'Oh man, this is great'."
Another reason why creators had to use up all the twists in the trailer is because they can't handle another flop. The previous movie, "Terminator: Salvation," which starred Christian Bale did not keep up to the previous Terminator movies' standards.
Taylor said in the same interview, "I think they felt like they had to send a strong message to a very wary audience that there was something new, that this was going to new territory.
"They were concerned that people were misperceiving this as kind of a reboot, and none of us wanted to reboot two perfect movies by James Cameron."
"I think they felt they had to do something game-changing in how the film was being perceived," he added.
Recently, Hollywood is filled with endless reboots and remakes of the same blockbuster stories. The classic 1991 hit "Point Break" is also coming to theaters this 2015.
In 2017, a "Spider-Man" reboot is also coming with new actors and villains.
The Guardian says that Terminator: Genisys is half-remake, half-reboot and mostly failure.
New York Times also commented that "the series has so deeply bored into the popular imagination" and that, even though 60-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger is back, "the series thrill is lamentably long gone."
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