The big-screen adaptation of Paula Hawkins' "The Girl on the Train" might be getting its lead star. According to The Hollywood Reporter, British actress Emily Blunt is currently in negotiations with DreamWorks Production to play the main character in Hawkins' best-selling novel. Just recently, Tate Taylor, who directed the film adaptation of the novel "The Help" was announced to helm the upcoming movie.
Hawkins' novel follows Rachel, a woman coming to terms with her recent divorce. Every morning, on her way to work, she rides a train that passes by the house of a young lovely couple which Rachel began to romanticize in her head. Eventually, she became more involved with the couple as one them disappears.
Upon the novel's release, it quickly became the fastest-selling adult novel in history, with more than two million copies sold. The novel went on to top the New York Times best-sellers list for 18 weeks.The novel has been compared to Gillian Flynn's "Gone Girl" by having an unreliable narrator in the middle of a mysterious crime. Last year's adaptation of Flynn's popular novel earned actress Rosamund Pike an Oscar nod.
Blunt's acting chops will be perfect for the role of Rachel, whose night of drunken stupor might have lead her to become a witness to a murder, or worse, commit the crime herself. Throughout the years, Blunt has proven that she is one of the most bankable actresses in Hollywood, having received several acting nominations and awards for her roles on TV and on the big screen. Among her acting accolades include the Golden Globes for her performance in the British drama series, "Gideon's Daughter", as well as her breakout film role in "The Devil Wears Prada". More recently, she was praised for her performance in the musical movie "Into the Woods" and in the action flick "Edge of Tomorrow", as well as her role in "Sicario".
Meanwhile, the movie adaptation of the novel has been in the works even before the book was released last May, Variety reported last year that DreamWorks had already acquired the right to the book, with producer Marc Platt and Jared LeBouf as the executive producer. Writer Erin Cressida Wilson will write the screenplay.
As of the moment, neither Blunt nor DreamWorks or anyone from the production team has confirmed the actress' involvement in the upcoming movie. But one thing's for sure, "The Girl on the Train" will continue to haunt its readers.
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