Renowned actor Brian Cox, known for his role in "Succession," has created another stir with his opinions of religion in an episode of "The Starting Line Podcast," hosted by Rich Leigh. At the age of 77, Cox does not hesitate to take strong and controversial positions, mainly when the issues at stake are as weighty as those of religion, wealth, and politics.
When asked about his views on religion hindering human progress, Cox did not mince words. He expressed his belief that religion is a barrier to advancement, citing its reliance on external belief systems rather than intrinsic human understanding. In his eyes, religion serves as a mechanism of control rather than a path to enlightenment.
Cox did not stop there. He delved into his critique of the patriarchal nature of Judeo-Christian religions, particularly focusing on the Bible. For him, this sacred text epitomizes the entrenched patriarchal values that permeate society, politics, and daily life. Cox criticized the Bible for its patriarchal views, stating that it undermines women by depicting them as created from Adam's rib. He deemed such beliefs due to historical propaganda and implied that people who accept these beliefs are foolish.
While acknowledging that some individuals may find solace in religious beliefs, Cox emphasized the importance of truth over myth. He advocated for a much wider approach to spirituality that would no longer exclude women's insights and viewpoints, emphasizing the need for such a departure from the patriarchal paradigm.
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Cox criticized the influence of religion on conflicts like the Israel-Hamas war in the Middle East, attributing it to belief systems that he views as faulty. He argued that humanity's focus on external forces like God hinders self-reflection and examination of our own contributions to societal issues. Cox lamented the loss of life in such conflicts and condemned what he saw as people's blindness to the consequences of their actions.
Cox believed that acting offers deeper insights into life's questions, considering the theater the 'one true church' because it delves into human experiences without the need for external gods. He criticized the concept of God as a human invention, asserting that it is a conceit that often goes unrecognized.
Cox is no stranger to stirring the pot with his unfiltered opinions. At a UK premiere of the third season of "Succession" in 2021, Cox raised eyebrows by comparing British and American audiences. Describing the British audience as more discerning and the American audience as having a 'mindlessness' to them.
In his 2021 memoir, "Putting the Rabbit in the Hat," Cox did not hold back, offering candid opinions on fellow actors and filmmakers. Cox's remarks ranged from describing Michael Caine as an institution but lacking range to deeming Johnny Depp overrated and Quentin Tarantino's work lacking depth.
Cox's comments have not been limited to his fellow actors and filmmakers. During a Hollywood Reporter roundtable discussion, he aimed at directors, asserting that many lack a fundamental understanding of literary principles. He claims that actors are 'surprisingly, intuitively literate' and directors 'haven't a clue' about subject, verb, and object.
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