It looks like Apple is running into some problems with its new iPad Mini.
The latest news is that the smaller iPad will not have Retina Display.
According to InformationWeek, the Wall Street Journal revealed that the screen will not have Retina Display. It will use the same liquid crystal display technology that the larger iPad does, but it won't have a resolution high enough to merit the "Retina" descriptor.
However, Apple can still compete if they make the resolution 1024 x 768 pixels.
"Given how Apple prefers to make things easier for iOS developers, it might stick with a resolution that's similar to its other devices. For example, it would make sense for Apple to pick 1024 x 768 pixels, which is the same resolution shared by the iPad and iPad 2. That would be a competitive resolution for a device with a 7.85-inch display, even if Apple can't market it as a Retina Display," InformationWeek reported.
Another problem is the price.
Many are wondering what the price of the small iPad will be, considering other big completion items such as Google's rumored new Nexus 7 tablets, one whill will cost $99, Barnes & Noble Nook HD, Amazon's Kindle Fire HD, and the Microsoft Surface tablet.
Nasdaq reported that $249 is the "sweet spot" if Apple wants to continue to rule the tablet market. "A higher price would make it more difficult to compete with lower-end hardware."
Many believe that the iPad Mini will be priced similar to the new iPod Touch.
According to Ewan Spence at, he believes also that it will be around the same price as the Touch.
"From the evidence today, I'd expect to see a 16GB iPad Mini with Wi-Fi connectivity to launch at $299, with a 32GB model at $399, and a 64GB model at $499."
According to ZDNet, an iPad Mini "would ideally need to be priced at or below $299 in order to remain competitive in the face of the iPad 2 and 3."
"An iPad Mini, priced around $249, would substantially soften Amazon Kindle Fire's price advantage and would negate any size advantage. And relative to Android offerings generally, Apple has an edge with content," said AllThingsD.
Other rumored problems are if the iPad Mini will be high quality and how consumers will respond once Apple launches the device.
Nasdaq reported, "Critics will continually argue over the level of innovation that accompanies each Apple product, but they rarely argue about the overall quality of these devices.
This is an important factor because, if the rumors are true, it seems that Apple might finally be willing to waver on quality. It is one thing to release a decent product that is completely devoid of innovation. It is another to sell a product that is truly inferior."
For book readers, a low quality tablet will not go over well. Retina Display makes text crystal clear on the screen, and since the iPad Mini will not be having this feature, a great resolution is crucial.
The iPad Mini will also need to have various reading apps to compete with Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It will surely come with iBooks, which features over 1.5 million books, including new Multi-Touch textbooks. "Since iCloud keeps track of what you've previewed, you can start shopping on your iPad and continue on another device," Apple said of iBook.
ComputerWorld said that Apple's Asian suppliers had begun production last month, according to a report by WSJ.
Time of the release date and inadequate supplies could be an issue as well.
"The biggest question [for an iPad Mini introduction in November] would be how much out-of-stock problems there will be," said Steven Baker, a retail analyst with the NPD Group. "Assuming there's huge demand, which I think there will be, will they have enough stock to make it through Dec. 25? If they have just four days of inventory at launch, for example, retailers are not going to like that," CW reported. "Customers would also be upset if stocks aren't sufficient, and long shipping delays are slapped into place almost immediately. The problem: The short stretch between early November and the heart of holiday sales, which in the U.S. start on Black Friday, Nov. 23, and run through Christmas, Dec. 25."
"The problem is adequate inventory, it always is with Apple," said Ezra Gottheil, an analyst with Technology Business Research.
Many reports are saying that Apple will send out invitations on Oct. 10, announce the iPad Mini on Oct. 17, and release to the masses on Nov. 2.
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