Research Suggests That Full Medication-Free Recovery from Schizophrenia Is Surprisingly Common

(MMD Newswire) -- Dr. Paris Williams, known for his groundbreaking research on people who have made full medication-free recoveries from schizophrenia, has just released a book, "Rethinking Madness", in which he presents a serious challenge to the mainstream understanding and treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.

In "Rethinking Madness", Williams documents how the recent domestic and international research (including studies conducted by the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Mental Health) suggests that full medication-free recovery from schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders is not only possible, but may actually be the most likely outcome given the right conditions. Furthermore, the findings from Williams' own research suggest that many individuals who recover do not simply return to their pre-psychotic condition, but actually undergo a profound positive transformation resulting in a sense of wellbeing and life competence that far exceeds that which existed prior to their psychosis.

All of these findings fly directly in the face of the mainstream understanding and treatment model of schizophrenia and psychosis, so it's not surprising that as these research findings continue to emerge, we see the first stirrings of a fiery controversy that may very well continue to escalate until we are forced to consider a radical restructuring of the mental health care system and indeed the very foundation of our understanding of madness. In "Rethinking Madness", Williams takes the plunge directly into the heart of this controversial topic. He begins by disentangling the complex web of research on schizophrenia, attempting to make sense of how it is that the mainstream understanding of schizophrenia has become so profoundly misguided. He then goes about crafting an altogether new vision of madness which draws from the latest recovery research while also integrating both Eastern and Western understandings of the mind.

As this new vision unfolds, Williams suggests that we arrive at both some unsettling realizations and some very hopeful possibilities. On one hand, we are forced to recognize that our current mainstream paradigm of care may actually be causing more harm than benefit, both for those so diagnosed and also for their friends, family members, and society at large. On the other hand, we discover that those who find themselves struggling with these challenging disorders have a very high likelihood of moving on to meaningful and productive lives. Finally, in a compelling twist, we discover that those we often consider to be "mad" may merely be experiencing the extreme edges of more ordinary human experience--caught in a profound wrestling match with the very same core dilemmas with which we all struggle.

"Rethinking Madness" (Sky's Edge Publishing) retails for $24.95 and is available through and other common channels. More information is available

Dr. Paris Williams works as a psychologist in the San Francisco Bay Area. He offers the rare perspective of someone who has experienced psychosis from both sides--as a researcher and psychologist, and as someone who has himself fully recovered after struggling with psychotic experiences. He can be reached


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To arrange an interview with Dr. Williams or to request either a complete digital copy of hard copy of the book, please contact:

Toni McErlane, Publicity Director, Sky's Edge Publishing ; (415) 339-7441

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