Aug 22, 2012 03:51 PM EDT
Amber Portwood Gives Custody of Leah to Gary; Was It a Good Decision?

Amber Portwood has been some big decisions in her life while starring on MTV's "Teen Mom."

She struggled with addiction and her abusive relationship with Gary Shirley, father of her 3-year-old daughter Leah. She made a tough decision regarding all that has been happening to her.

According to Hollywood Life, Portwood gave Shirley physical custody of Leah.

Shirley, Leah, and Portwood still can't all hang out together because of the no-contact order, so the on-again-off-again couple must continue the awkward and difficult juggling act with their little girl.

Here's the situation in a nutshell by Hollywood Life:

Amber is looking for a new place to live after the vandalism, and she goes over to Gary's new pad to check his out. While there, Gary drops a bombshell on Amber - they need $800 for Leah's preschool. Amber claims she doesn't have $400, after car payments, house payments, and her never-ending legal fees. Luckily, Gary says he'll cover the dues and Leah starts her first day. After he drops her off, Amber picks her up for some quality time back at Amber's house, but it can't last long. After the vandalism at Amber's house, she is forced to have her little girl stay with Gary overnight due to an order from Child Protective Services. After Amber drops Leah off, she tells her mom, "I need you," and that just breaks Amber's heart. Since she can't be in the same room with Gary and Leah together, she has to leave quickly, which throws Leah into a sobbing fit. Poor little girl. Amber decides that the best option for her family is to give Gary custody of Leah. That way, the gag order can be lifted and all three can be in the same place together. Gary also suggests this would be best so that Amber can get a handle on her depression and anger management and "get her s-t together."

The episode aired Aug. 21 at 10 p.m. ET on MTV.

The season finale of "Teen Mom" airs on MTV Tuesday, Aug. 28. 

What do you guys think? Was this a good or the best decision for Leah, Gary, and Amber? Comment below!


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