Apr 22, 2012 03:43 PM EDT
Romantic E-Book Sales Rise: Romance Novelist, Sylvain Reynard, Tells Us Why

Despite the controversy surrounding e-book sales and distribution, one thing is certain: the popularity of e-books like "Fifty Shades of Grey" isn't going to die out anytime soon. Not only have sales of romantic/erotic fiction risen steeply but writers of the popular genre are capitalizing on the public's e-book preference. Authors have been able to release their work more effectively and in a timely manner. Furthermore, e-books are cheaper to produce and are more readily accessible to readers.

Romance writer Sylvain Reynard has experienced this phenomenon first hand. His sensual tale of intrigue and seduction, "Gabriel's Inferno", is one of the top selling romantic e-books on Amazon. The sweltering plot centers on a dashing college professor, Gabriel and his attempt to find solace in the arms of an innocent young women. The conflicted anti-hero's pattern of bedding a string of young ladies is disrupted when he becomes enamored with Julianne, one of his students. Inspired by high art, classical music, and philosophy, the book has been a favorite in the realm of quixotic fiction.

The International Business Times had the chance to ask Reynard about the genre's popularity, creative inspiration, and what route aspiring novelists should take.

Why do you think romance and erotica is becoming more and more popular? 

I think the reasons behind the success of each genre are different but related.  Erotic literature tantalizes the senses with promises of new sexual experiences. Readers are drawn in for that purpose.  Romantic literature may include erotic elements, (just as erotica may include romance), but a romantic novel appeals to the very human need for love and acceptance. The popularity of both genres suggests to me that humanity is involved in a twin quest for better sex and for love.

What would you say to aspiring romance novelists?

Create your story and tell it well.  Writing, editing and revising take time, but the time invested is well worth it. So my advice would be to take the time to make sure your work is your best before you invite people to read it. And don't be afraid to bring something new to an established genre.

Do you often face discouragement when writing? How do you manage to keep being creative and produce stories?

Writing can be a lonely occupation. I draw inspiration from music, art and travel and find that they feed my creativity. With respect to discouragement, I deal with it by surrounding myself with honest but positive people.  It's important to hear the truth, but it's also important to focus on the positive side of things.

What inspired you to write "Gabriel's Inferno"?

My most important inspiration for the novel was the love story of Dante and Beatrice from the Italian Renaissance. Dante loved Beatrice with the fire of a thousand suns.

Do you think writers should consider self-publishing their work?

I don't think that there's a set rule for how a writer should go about publishing his or her work. Each writer needs to make choices based upon the book in question and his own situation. For some writers, self-publishing is the best choice and for others, it isn't. But a professional editor is essential in any case.

What can you tell us about the book's sequel?

The sequel opens in Florence, Italy and follows Professor Emerson's continued involvement with his former graduate student, Julianne Mitchell.  It's slated for release before summer and I've been offering teasers from it on my website every Tuesday:  www.sylvainreynard.com

Contributed by International Business Times


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