The topic of Paul Ryan's Black ex-girlfriend has sparked debate on Twitter.
It was recently revealed that the Mitt Romney vice-presidential candidate had a history with a black woman.
The Root reported that CNN's Pete Hamby tweeted on his page that Ryan told Milwaukee Magazine in 2005, "I have a sister-in-law who's African American. My college sweetheart was black."
Many are asking would this detail impact his candidancy; does it really matter?
The Root referred to the "million-dollar question:" "Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?"
This is a very sensitive subject, as racism is still known to be around (just very subtle in some cases).
African Americans on Twitter are also asking questions, but they are more like "Why does this really matter all of a sudden?" Some of them touch on the subject of race and how this can influence politics.
"Wonder if #MittRomney knew #PaulRyan had a black girlfriend in college, he still would have picked him as VP!"
"Agreed. '@TheCityRocks: That Paul Ryan dated a black girl in college is actually newsworthy is absurd .'"
"Here's your post-racial America: first Google auto-complete after 'Paul Ry' is 'Paul Ryan black girlfriend.'"
"Paul Ryan's Black Ex-Girlfriend" is a headline. Nice going, America."
"Paul Ryan: Black ex-girlfriend bad for GOP" If that doesn't show how racist this country is..."
"That Paul Ryan dated a black girl in college is actually newsworthy is absurd."
One Twitter fan made a joke about all the fuss, "Paul Ryan likes black girls, huh? let me scoop up a politician!"
The question is: Is America actually a racist country? Or do people just want to know the real facts about who they are voting for? There is a difference here.
Keli Goff, the writer for The Root, and African American, said that just because this information is revealed doesn't mean that Ryan can necessarily side with the black community.
"Certainly, having a relationship with someone of a different race does not automatically make someone more racially sensitive and enlightened," Goff wrote.
She then said this:
"For the record: No, I am not calling Ryan a racist. I am saying, however, that if you want to know where a politician's heart lies when it comes to a particular community, it may be best to look at that person's policies -- such as his or her record on civil rights -- rather than personal relationships."
Goff wrote another article entitled "What We Know About Paul Ryan and Blacks." She stated that he celebrates the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday by honoring community activists, and "loves the fact that we elected an African American man (Barack Obama) as our president."
However, Goff reported that he has a dismal record on civil rights. He also "doesn't appear to be a fan of the poor. "
Goff said, "Ryan's hatchet-heavy approach to budget cuts, particularly to programs like Head Start, would have devastating effects on black Americans, particularly children, living in poverty."
What do you think about the sparked debate about Ryan's mystery black ex-girlfriend, and does it affect you? Share your thoughts below!
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